Perspectives are Strange Things

In today’s world, perspectives are often miles apart. Two people may look at the same set of circumstances and come to two entirely different conclusions. How can that be?


Every person’s worldview is shaped by core beliefs. For example, six-day creation, a belief that God has a special plan for Israel, and there is indeed something after death are all examples of a Biblical worldview. It is developed by full faith and belief that God’s Word is the ultimate authority of all things. Those holding a different worldview tend to lean toward Darwin’s theory of evolution, no unique calling or special position for the Jewish people, and once you’re dead there is nothing more.

For those whose plumb line is the Word of God, we know God uniquely called Israel to a particular role: to bless all the families of the earth. (Genesis 12:3) We also know Satan has fought against that plan from the beginning, resulting in many attempts throughout Bible history and beyond to wipe out the Jewish people. Each time, we discover seemingly new depths of evil in the attempts.

Such is the case in the latest example: Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel. Right after the attack, the evil perpetrated on that day seemed obvious to most everyone. Yet, less than 6 months later, the world majority seems to have turned its back and now condemns Israel for retaliating. Consider:

  • Hamas attacked innocent Israeli civilians. The IDF actually warns Palestinian citizens when and where they are about to attack a terrorist target and provides a route of escape!
  • Hamas fires rockets indiscriminately at Israeli cities and towns while hiding behind their own citizens. Israel protects its citizens by targeting terrorists who are shooting at them.
  • Hamas raped, maimed, burned and tortured Israeli children in front of their parents, and parents in front of their children. Israel treats injured and wounded Palestinian men, women and children in their hospitals.
  • The IDF puts no limits on the amount of food and humanitarian aid that may enter the Gaza Strip. However, the UN is mysteriously “unable” to process and distribute it…and when they do, it falls into the hands of Hamas who hoards it while their people go hungry.
  • In Israel, women have equal rights. Yet, in Toronto, Canada, pro-Hamas backers joined the liberal Woman’s History March despite the fact Hamas and other radical Islamic groups view women as second-rate citizens. In fact, Hamas’ charter implies that Muslim women are important only to “manufacture men.” Israel values women, Hamas sees no value in women. Thus, there is no remorse in doing to them what they did on October 7. (Not to mention what they continue to do to women hostages.)

Beyond Israel’s right to retaliate, here are several more notable contrasts between good and evil very clearly seen in the Middle East:

  • Hamas’ goal, according to their charter, is to eliminate Jews. Yet, when given the opportunity, every Palestinian woman in Gaza prefers to bear children in an Israeli hospital. (Many do.)
  • The alphabet mafia (LGBT, etc) are suddenly huge backers of Hamas. Yet, Hamas (and other radical Muslims) are adamantly opposed to the gay agenda and would likely throw them from the top of the tallest building if they were in Gaza!
  • It is okay for Hamas to bomb private residences in Israel, but not okay for IDF soldiers to enter a hospital being used as a terrorist command center and root out terrorists (while protecting hospital staff and patients).
  • According to environmentalist, climate change is an existential threat to all mankind, yet the Iranian-backed Houthis purposefully sink ships carrying cargo (fertilizer, oil, etc) that pollute the waterways. Where is Greta Thunberg, John Kerry and all the other environmentalists with their outrage toward the Houthis for destroying the environment?

We could go on indefinitely about perspectives and worldview, but the point is illustrated. There are two ways to view things: God’s way and our own way. If we maintain a Biblical worldview, there is a stark contrast between good and evil. What we must realize is the battle we see with our eyes (via news, etc) is nowhere nearly as fierce as the spiritual battle raging in the heavenlies.

Only by God’s grace is that battle contained predominately in the heavenlies right now. One day soon, though, our Lord Jesus will descend from heaven to snatch us away in what we call the rapture. At that time, the Holy Spirit’s presence that lives within us will be removed, and the fierce battle taking place in the heavenlies will be unleashed on earth. That is called the tribulation, and it will be hell on earth for those still alive, but not taken away by our Lord Jesus.

Perspective matters. Worldview matters. Truth is based only in the Word of God, and that must be our anchor.

If you consider yourself a good person, or a church-goer, or simply one who doesn’t like evil, you need to know that neither your “goodness,” nor your church-going, nor your disdain for evil will save you. Only those who call upon the name of Jesus, confessing with their mouths that Jesus is Lord, and believing in their heart that Jesus was raised from the dead for our sins will be saved. (Romans 10:9-13) Please call out to Him today and put your faith in Jesus for salvation. The only perspective that matters is His!

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