The State of the Church in America

Fellow believers, as we came out of COVID lockdowns, many of us got a very different look at the church than ever before. Thankfully, a few churches around America made it through the crucible and came out refined by the fire, emboldened as never before to become the Bride adorned for the coming of the Bridegroom. Sadly, some churches seem to have lost their identity and are wandering around in the wilderness, trying to figure out how to round up the lost sheep that left during the pandemic. Still others have come out of the pandemic even more astray doctrinally than they were when it all began.

What is the state of the church in America, and is there still hope for Christians? Yes, there is great hope…the Blessed Hope…but the overall state of the church could use an overhaul.

I’m sharing this on Friday morning because I encourage you to set aside some time this weekend to hear a very apropos discussion regarding the state of the church, as well as encouragement for us as believers as we live in challenging times. Pastor Jack Hibbs (Calvary Chapel Chino Hills CA) leads one of America’s most “alive” and vibrant churches, focused on God’s Word and how believers ought to live in these last days. He sits down with Pastor Morgan Lawrence of Heritage Church to discuss these issues, and the conversation is powerful.

Every believer will be stirred by the message, and I encourage you to set aside 90 minutes sometime this weekend to listen in and be challenged to forsake the world in order to follow our Savior. I’m praying this will reach believers far and wide, and I hope you will pass it along.

Fast forward to the 9:00 mark for the beginning of the discussion. Be blessed!

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