Jesus and Him Alone!

How is it that Christians so easily slide from grace into some sort of works in attempts to please God? Legalism so easily floods in...and arrests us in handcuffs of "try harder!" Oh how we need Jesus and Him Alone! This Lord's Day, consider this:

Grace…and Grace Alone!

I grew up in a wonderful Bible-teaching church, filled with loving teachers who taught us from God's Word. But in my mind, our good deeds seemed to be measured by how many Bible verses we read (or memorized), whether or not we attended Sunday school every week, if we could check off the boxes of …

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A Lasting Christmas Gift: Grace and Truth

Take a glance over your shoulder before 2021 completely disappears in the rearview mirror! Christmas is our celebration of the One who left heaven above to be born a baby in a manager who would eventually become the sacrifice for our sins. At Christmastime, we often focus on the accounts written by Luke (chapter 2) …

Continue reading A Lasting Christmas Gift: Grace and Truth